Nicole & Jack
Welcomed a beautiful little boy in 2024

Three words I previously would have used to describe labour and birth before attending the Positive Birth Program:
- challenging
- unknown
- unpredictable
Three words I would use to describe labour/ birth now:
- inspiring
- rewarding
- natural
If you feel happy to share, how do you think your birth experience has changed you as a person?
​I felt such a sense of achievement from the birth which is more fulfilling than any other challenge I have done. I was induced at 42 weeks, which meant the birth wasnt able to go exactly to plan but due to the preparations beforehand, we were able to work with the challenges. Beyond that I think in preparing for the birth with meditations and hypnobirth techniques has made me a more relaxed person which has also helped with parenting in these first few weeks.

What tool/s from the program did you find most helpful:
​There were so many tools we used that had a huge impact on how labour went for us. I think the most important part is the fundamental understanding of the physiology and psychology of birth and how you can work with your body to guide your birth along the path you want to take.
I listened to the meditation tracks (Rainbow Mist and Surge of the Sea) every day before a nap leading up to the birth and found that during labour, the relaxation prompts were so ingrained in my subconscious that I was able to run them through in my head without them playing the tracks out loud. I also printed out the bearing down breath prompts and taped them to the back of my toilet door and practiced the breathing when I went to the toilet. I ended up using this in the pushing stage and breathed our baby out using my body's natural reflexes.
My fantastic birth partner and husband Jack also read me the affirmations frequently leading up to the birth and read them again during the transition stage of labour where it was starting to get tough. Having him read those to me was so helpful to get me centred and focused during that more intense stage.

What were the most helpful things you packed to take to the hospital with you?
​The most important would have to be the vision board I made using some of the visualisations from the course, along some of my own, and some oxytocin inspiring pictures of people and places that make me feel loved. We set up the vision board at the head of the bed, and in the kneeling position looking at the board is where I gave birth to our baby boy. Some other essentials I would highly recommend would be a straw water bottle, TENS machine, bluetooth speaker and some oils for aromatherapy (I originally wanted Clary Sage but as I was induced it wasn't recommended as it could intensify the contractions).
One piece of advice you would give to another couple preparing for their own Positive Birth experience:
​Practice as much as you can. The initial sessions are so helpful to prepare you for understanding what happens in labour, but the real magic happens when the meditations become second nature and you are able to relax and breathe without needing any external prompts. I would also say having an involved birth partner to practice with and guide you through meditations does wonders. It means on the day, they understand what you need and what to use from the 'toolbox' the course gives you without you needing to think and make any decisions.